SUNTA’s Statement on the Trump Administration’s Treatment of Migrants

As a professional society comprised of experts on mobility and migration,  the Society for Urban, National, and Transnational/Global Anthropology (SUNTA) supports in the strongest possible terms the American Anthropological Association statement condemning  the Trump Administration’s treatment of migrants ([]). We call for an immediate halt to the practice of separating children from parents on the U.S.-Mexico border and demand that children be allowed to live with parents or other family members in the United States and not be deported nor confined in detention facilities. We further urge the Administration to recognize asylum claims based on gender, “gang” violence and war, and that it in general treats asylum seekers and all migrants with dignity, care, and respect. Moreover, we call on the Administration to acknowledge and address long-standing U.S. practices and policies that have eroded the safety and stability of migrants’ home societies across the world.