Proposal to Change SUNTA’s Name

A conversation is taking place regarding changing our section’s name from the Society for Urban, National, and Transnational/Global Anthropology (SUNTA) to Critical Urban Anthropology Association (CrUAA).

 “SUNTA” was adopted in the 1990s when members of the Society for Urban Anthropology felt Urban Studies was moving in a new direction.  Today, some feel the proposed name gives direction and a clearer focus to the section. It also resonates with the section’s journal, “City & Society”. Others feel the new name will alienate scholars who focus on national, transnational, and global issues that are not urban in nature. Some are especially concerned that scholars focusing on im/migration and refugee issues will not identify with the section.

There are many other reasons for and against the possibility of changing the section’s name.  In mid-April, the opportunity to change the name will be on the ballot. The board feels it is important to discuss this idea with members before they vote.  First, we would like your feedback regarding the proposal to change the society’s name.  Please let us know what you think by participating in this short survey:

Second, we would like to invite you to a virtual tea circle discussion for SUNTA members on Friday, April 23rd at 2:00 p.m. EST (11:00 p.m. PST). Here we will have an informal discussion about this issue. Please register for the conversation:

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the proposal to change the section’s name.

Thank you for participating in the survey and for getting involved in SUNTA.

Suzanne Scheld
President, SUNTA
Chair and Professor
Department of Anthropology, Northridge