Critical Urban Anthropology Association
CUAA particularly focuses on the interrelationships of urban, national, and transnational
processes as they affect and are affected by the everyday social and cultural lives of people living, acting,
and struggling in particular places, anthropology’s traditional area of concern.
CUAA’s members, a number of whom reside outside the U.S.A., include academic, practitioner/applied, and student anthropologists. Members’ expertise covers most nations (including the U.S.A.) of the world and their cities. In addition to conducting original research many CUAA members consult and work in or with private and public agencies dealing with social problems, development, and policy formation.
CUAA also publishes a journal, City & Society, which attempts to foster debate and conceptual development in urban, national, and transnational anthropology, particularly in their interrelationships. IT seek to promote communication related disciplines of interest to members of CUAA and to develop theory from a comparative perspective. If you are interested in learning more or submitting a manuscript, please visit their website.
Volume 36, Issue 1 – April 2024
Current Issue
City & Society
City & Society welcomes manuscripts concerned with city life, urban scapes, and translocal processes. Interdisciplinarity is encouraged with anthropology and cultural studies as epistemological and methodological guides. City & Society is also open to ethnographically based pieces of humanistic, historical, dialogical, narrative, poetic and visual orientation.
Malini Ranganathan, David L. Pike, and Sapana Doshi Awarded 2024 Leeds Prize
This year’s Anthony Leeds Prize was awarded to Malini Ranganathan, David L. Pike, and Sapana Doshi for Corruption Plots: Stories, Ethics, and Publics of the Late Capitalist City.
2024 Leeds Prize
Deadline: August 31, 2024 Eligibility: The Anthony Leeds Prize is awarded annually by the Critical Urban Anthropology Association (CUAA), formerly SUNTA, to an outstanding book in urban anthropology...
2024 CUAA Graduate Student Paper Prize Competition
DEADLINE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2024. The Critical Urban Anthropology Association (CUAA) is pleased to announce its Graduate Student Paper Prize competition. We are seeking student papers that...
CUAA Call for Nominations 2024
CUAA has several open positions available. We are currently accepting nominations for the following positions: President-Elect Treasurer Secretary 2nd Councilor Student Councilor Please email Ruth...