2024 Anthony Leeds Prize Winner

Malini Ranganathan, David L. Pike, and Sapana Doshi’s  
Corruption Plots: Stories, Ethics, and Publics of the Late Capitalist City 

Mass Conspiracy to Feed People: Food Not Bombs and the World-Class Waste of Global Cities

City & Society Best Paper Prize 


Samantha Maurer Fox

Paper title:
A City of Newcomers: Migration and Solidarity in the Former East Germany


2024 Best Graduate Student Paper Prize


Lauren Baumgardt, Rice University

Paper title:
Temporalities of Design and Repair: Reimagining Reclaim the City’s Building Occupation in Cape Town

Honorable Mentions:
Tayeba Batool, University of Pennsylvania

Paper title:
Climate Shaping: “Political” Trees, Landscaping, and a Traffic Circle (in Islamabad, Pakistan)


2023 Anthony Leeds Prize Winner

Deniz Yonucu’s
Police, Provocation, Politics: Counterinsurgency in Istanbul (Cornell University Press 2022)


Man with a spiked mohawk hair style.

2023 Best Graduate Student Paper Prize


Vanessa Koh

Paper title:
Governing the Ground: Urban Environmental Governance in Singapore

Honorable Mentions:
Matthew Demaio

Paper title:
Accumulating Place: Multiplicities of Movements and Attachments among Palestinian Refugees from Syria

Xuyi Zhao

Paper title:
A Timespace of Zero-COVID: Urban Governance and Community Building in Southwest China



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