City & Society welcomes manuscripts concerned with urban communities and complex societies generally. The review is intended to foster communication among disciplines. Articles reflect applied as well as basic research interests presented as case studies, comparisons, and syntheses based on literature review. The pages of City & Society are also open to ethnographically based pieces of humanistic, historical, dialogical, narrative, poetic and visual orientation.
Information for Authors
City & Society follows the Chicago Manual of Style for most matters of style, including hyphenation, capitalization, punctuation, abbeviations, and grammar, and Webster’s Third New International Dictionary (1981) for spelling. Authors are encouraged to consult the style guidelines printed in Volume 4, Number 2, of City and Society, which are similar to those used by American Anthropologist.
Contributors are strongly encouraged to submit manuscripts electronically as e-mail attachments. Surface mail submissions must include three copies of each manuscript and a cd, submitted to the Editor at the address listed below. Use one side of 8-1/2 by 11-inch or A-4 white bond paper or computer paper (do not use erasable or onionskin paper). Manuscripts must be double-spaced, with no hyphenation at the end of lines. Authors using word processors should turn right justification off, and conform to the standard method of indicating italics (underlining, rather than bold or italic fonts).
Sections of submitted manuscripts, beginning on new pages, should be ordered as follows: title page (with author and affiliation), abstract (with bracketed keywords), text (with no footnotes or endnotes), acknowledgments, references cited, tables, list of figure captions, and figures.
References: All entries in the reference list must be cited in the text, and vice versa. In text, references are cited in parentheses, with last name(s), year of publication, and, where necessary, page numbers. The reference list should be ordered alphabetically by author’s last name; author on one line, primary author last name first; date of publication indented on the next line, followed by title and then publisher’s city and name. All subsequent lines should be indented beyond the date. No underlining or boldface should be used in the reference list.
Tables: Number tables consecutively in the order in which they appear in text. Each table should have a caption. the caption and body of the table should be double-spaced.
Figures: Artwork for figures must be camera-ready–that is, a photographic print of line art, such as a map, graph, or drawing, or a photograph. Xerographic copies are not sufficient.
Address manuscripts and related correspondence to:
Editor, City & Society (2015-2016)
Joshua Barker
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Toronto
19 Russell Street, Room AP228
Toronto, Canada, M5S 2S2
Address correspondence related to subscriptions, SUNTA membership, permissions, advertising, and other matters to:
City & Society
American Anthropological Association
4350 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 640
Arlington, VA 22203-1620